Love Poetry!
Have you written any poetry? Well, there is a great contest at Poetry-Contest.us. It's free! After you enter that contest take your
same poem and enter it in this free love poetry contest . They don't have to be love poems by the way.

Love Coupons
We've added a bunch of new LoveCoupons... because YOU demanded it! (Boy did you demand it. Yeesh. We've been scared to leave the house!)
And don't forget... don't let the greeting card companies tell you when to express your love to each other... do it all the time! Father's Day (and Valentine's and Sweetest Day, etc.) should be year-round, as far as we're concerned. So go tell someone you love them!
New Articles from: |
Julia London
The sassy first lady of romance is back with more answers to your love questions:
The Dating Doctor
The Doctor weighs in with a bunch of new stuff to shock your love life back to life:
LoveAstrology - Learn what the stars have to say about your romantic life.
LoveCards - Electronic post cards that are just too cool!
LoveCoupons - Print 'em out and pass 'em out: "Oh yes you DO owe me a backrub... I've got a coupon!"
LoveExtras - Download some LoveWallpaper for your desktop.
LoveTranslations - Say "I Love You" in every language of the world.
LoveHelp - Advice on love from those who know it best! Featuring articles from novelist Julia London and the World-Famous Dating Doctor, David D. Coleman.
Love&Sex - Links for everything from erotic massage to health issues to dirty jokes, WhoDoYouLove.com goes racy!
"One word frees us from the weight and pain of life;
that word is love." - Sophocles
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