WhoDoYouLove.com is the brainchild and offspring of 3 guys who weren't totally satisfied with the current state of love and romance in the world. In these modern times, they thought, love is easy to lose through the cracks. So much going on, so much to do... how can we possibly hope to keep love alive?

  The answer is, of course, whodoyoulove.com. This website is a one-stop shop for keeping your love life up and running. You can always let your loved ones know you're thinking of them... with a LoveCard, LoveCoupons, or even a special "I love you" in Swahili (or any other language). LoveAstrology will always keep you up to date on what the stars have to say about your romantic life, and LoveExtras are just that... extra little bits of love you can use how you wish.

  And since love needs room to grow, whodoyoulove.com will be growing constantly as you, the valued user, (hopefully) find time to contribute a little love of your own.

  The creators of this 'lovely' site... marshall, joe, and clark... are web professionals who somehow found time in their nutty schedules to produce this momument to modern love and romance. Clark did most of the design and artwork, Joe added his crazy programming and database mojo, and Marshall mostly sat behind a big desk and threw donuts at people. When the donuts ran out, his ideas and net savvy shaped this sucker into what you now see before you.

We created this site in the last century. Some links may not work. Doh!

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WhoDoYouLove.com : Love and Romance for Modern Times

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