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   LoveCards are the greatest way to say "I Love You" online! These nifty electronic postcards let you customize every aspect of your card, including:
Decide when your LoveCard is sent.
Choose the font and font color of your message.
New designs being created all the time!
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<% PRETAG = "" POSTAG = "" BG = "" CG = "" ST = "" WM = "" PV = "" BG2 = "" CG2 = "" ST2 = "" WM2 = "" PV2 = "" select case Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") case "/lovecards/background.asp" BG = PRETAG BG2 = POSTAG case "/lovecards/cardinfo.asp" WM = PRETAG WM2 = POSTAG case "/lovecards/graphic.asp" CG = PRETAG CG2 = POSTAG case "/lovecards/stamp.asp" ST = PRETAG ST2 = POSTAG end select %> 1) <% = BG %>Choose card background<% = BG2 %>

2) <% = CG %>Choose card graphic<% = CG2 %>

3) <% = ST %>Choose a stamp<% = ST2 %>

4) <% = WM %>Write your message<% = WM2 %>

5) <% = PV %>Preview / Send it!<% = PV2 %> : Real Fashion for Real Girls : Your complete dating resource

Click here to send this page to a friend! : Love and Romance for Modern Times

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